Jumaat, Jun 22, 2007

Ada ruang kosong??!!

Tokgurukulan menukilkan :


"Sudah puas ku fikir namun tidak juga ku temukan jawapannya. Sungguh mengelirukan. Sepatutnya takkan wujud ruang kosong itu! Tapi kenapa ia terjadi sebaliknya?"

Itulah luahan hatiku beberapa tahun yang lalu ketika pertama kali melihat gambar di bawah ini. Mari kita sama-sama fikirkan situasi ini..

Selamat mencuba!

3 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

emmm...pernah tengok..tp lupa dkt mana...

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Cuba la fikir Sk.. mencabar minda nih.. (",)

Tanpa Nama berkata...

ni ha jawapannya ....
The area of a right triangle is computed by multiplying the base times the height and dividing by two. The pieces of the puzzle have an area of 32 square units. Although they can be assembled to form what appears to be a 13×5 right triangle, they actually form quadrilaterals that are slightly smaller or slightly bigger than a 13×5 right triangle. The long side of the these triangles, i.e, the hypotenuse, is not a straight line.

The top figure has an area of 32 square units. The bottom figure, including the empty square, has an area of 33 square units. A real 13×5 right triangle would have an area of 32.5 square units. The distortion is difficult to see because one square of the picture is approximately 3% of the area.

The distortion can be seen more clearly when the empty square constitutes a larger percentage of the area, as in the figure below where 1 square represents 13% of the area.

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