Khamis, April 05, 2007

Happy Day!!!


Today, 05 April 2007 is one of the happiest day of my life.
Because, starting from now, I'm a proud uncle of a baby boy, courtesy of my brother, Ahmad Aizzuddin Zainon, ex-heroe of this house, and his wife, Wan Zorah Othman.

Early morning today, (about 3.50 a.m.) i got a long-waited phone call from my brother, confirming his wife just delivered a healthy baby boy, weighted 3.2 kg.

No word can describe the excitement and happiness that churned inside me right now, and for my part, i want to congratulate my brother and his wife for this new-found status. May parenthood makes you good and becoming a better person.

But the most important thing, I hope the son will inherit the goods from you both, and ultimately become a good son and a soleh muslim.
Congratulation once again, from me and all my brothers here in ttdi.

May Allah bless us all...

The proud guy,
Uncle Z.

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